Baltic Sea Project2023
Lisanna Ümarik
The BSP Åro camp was truly an unforgettable experience for me. I met with so many incredible people with different backgrounds and interests. I made friends who I still keep in touch with, even though the camp was months ago. One girl from the Finnish group even came to visit me in Tallinn! Overall the tasks and setup of the camp made it easy to make new friends. There were so many chances to discuss different topics and issues while we worked on our projects, workshops or other activities. Everyone at camp was supportive and motivated to work together and make new connections. The conditions of the camp were quite unique and completely new for me. I had never lived in a military tent before, especially not for a week and with people I didn’t know beforehand. But everything went great and I think the connection people had grew thanks to the unusual circumstances. One amazing memory I have of the camp is the nature journaling workshop organized by Johanna Pareigis. It was a very windy day and the first part of the workshop was outside, but nevertheless I enjoyed it. It was a mix of meditation, art and nature. I think everyone at the workshop had a memorable experience. I also loved exploring the island! An orientation game was held on the second day of the camp. We were divided into groups and had to find the main interesting spots of Åro. On another day we got to drive on a motor boat on the sea and we even saw some porpoises! Overall I had a great time at the camp and I hope I'll have many similar experiences in the future!